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Spring is on its way. The water temperature is rising and will soon be in double figures. While we continue to enjoy the chill of our regular unheated lido we thought we'd give ourselves a little boost and headed to Richmond for a heated outdoor swimming experience.

It's been a cold start to December - so cold we've all been muttering about how cold. It also meant the Lido dropped 5 degrees in about 3 hours but the freezing cold swim with the pool to ourselves and the snow (and lifeguard snowman) guiding our way made for a super special swim in the snow.

When we enter the water our body mounts its cold shock response. This is mainly felt in the first couple of minutes of being immersed as our bodies release 'fight or flight' hormones, and it subsides as we also release endorphins and serotonin. Ever felt that 'post swim high'? Scientists think this happens thanks to this combination of chemicals...

At the Docks you change on the waterside in the open, with tourists passing and swim in choppy open water almost under the London Cable Car. Planes pass low overhead either taking off or landing at City Airport and hotel and bar guests on balconies overlook the water.

Summer is a time when the kids get to enjoy the lido, beaches are explored both at home and away and sometimes even rivers are jumped into and enjoyed. This year was no different.

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