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A couple of weeks in Schwarzwald with family meant I almost infinite outdoor swimming options. Here's a rundown of the pools and lakes I enjoyed.

Who needs wetsuits!?! It seems the answer is not us! Our first completely wetsuit free winter - even at 4 degrees the neoprene did not get wet. We did retreat to booties, gloves and rash vests but considering we were in wetsuits at 15 degrees in our first winter of outdoor swimming this feels like incredible progress. Maybe next winter...

Big birthday milestones come around every ten years so how to celebrate this one?! I wanted something the kids could come along to and something a bit different - so it became obvious that it was time to introduce friends to the joys of the lido and to chill in the cafe with some amazing post swim pizza.

I signed up months ago, meant to do some serious training, but summer holidays and a hectic work schedule have gotten in the way. What will swimming 7km for the first time as an adult feel like?

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