Wild swimming in Wardie Bay, Edinburgh


North Edinburgh's wild swimming hotspot was busy with swimmers, families and revellers on a rare sunny evening in 2024's strangely grey summer. 

Getting out of the water after a lovely dip in Wardie Bay - it was busy, honest!
Getting out of the water after a lovely dip in Wardie Bay - it was busy, honest!

It may be late July, but tell that to the Firth of the Forth! Today's swim was, shall we say, more refreshing than those I've done in the south of late. Not truly cold until I swam into a cold area and almost reversed back out again - I'm out of practice since we've been in the late teens, early 20s for the last couple of months.

Since May 2023, Wardie Bay has been designated as Scottish bathing water, and samples are regularly taking for water quality monitoring. Since long before this, wild swimmers have regularly visited and enjoyed the water there. 

I've swam here before myself, in January 2022, when it was far colder and I had to wrap myself in blankets in my friend's car after a very quick dip. On this second visit, I stayed in and pootled around for about 15 minutes, and others were also enjoying more leisurely swims in the bay.

The beach at Wardie Bay is small, with a harbour wall at one end. Granton Harbour is pretty, with boats bobbing in it, and after the swim we walked out all along the wall to the end, to get the best of the last sun over the water. From the end, you can see three bridges, built in three different centuries, far in the distance, as well as the city of Edinburgh and the kingdom of Fife opposite. 

Well worth a visit if you're in the Scottish capital. 

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