Look at that Lake!


Another south London excursion, but this time in a freshwater lake. 

Our second port of call on our grand lido tour was Beckenham Place Park lake and wow it was just wonderful.

It was a day of high work stress so the idea of swimming was just a bit full on, but we'd booked it, we'd done a 30 minute zoom course for going into the lake below 14 degrees and it was Friday anyway, so we were going to ignore our stresses and go. One of us made it very, very early and checked out the facilities and one of us was incredibly late and had forgotten her wetsuit. Undeterred by the 11 degree water temperature warning we'd seen that morning on the Twitter account of PTP Coaching who oversee affairs at the lake, both of us got ready and went for it - after all 11 degrees isn't that cold, right?

It was a glorious, glorious, glorious swim - ducks, peace, cold and a 285m long lake loop. Wow. What else do you need (not even a wetsuit).   The light shimmering through the water as you swam made this special - truly special.

A muddy change on a camping mat (good tip from the zoom training course), hot water bottles, the hats (esp the Norwich City hat) the newly purchased robie and a thermos of tea left us changed and sitting on a bench looking out over a lake. A peaceful, cold, wonderful lake. With all our stresses and strains removed - it was the right call. No matter what is happening, just always go swimming.

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