Clear waters: swimming between the skyscrapers at Canary Wharf


Almost a year after it first opened, we booked a Monday evening slot to swim at the Canary Wharf Middle Wharf. It is more urban than other nearby Love Open Water venues, but the water is clear enough to see the bottom, as well as other swimmers a little distance away! 

Love Open Water's Canary Wharf swimming
Love Open Water's Canary Wharf swimming

Thanks to the buildings that surround it, the water here is a couple of degrees cooler than at the Royal Docks or the Docklands Sailing and Watersports Centre, but in late June it was a toasty 19°

We arrived for the final hour of swimming in the evening, with the sun shining through onto a slice of the water, and swam several times round the 200m circuit. I believe it can be as far as 600m out and back depending on the conditions but for us, that evening, it was a short loop. 

There is a tiny prefabricated hut for changing but most people just slip out of their clothes and shiver back into them on the pavement by the check in area. It's a little strange as suits and socialisers walk past from work or to their evening catch ups, but since changing rooms were closed during the pandemic, we've all got a bit better at changing without exposing ourselves. Except for the occaisonal slip up! 

As in the other Love Open Water venues, the staff couldn't be friendlier or more helpful. And just like the others, you need a membership, which is just £15 per year. You receive a wristband to tap in and out with, and book your swim on the NOWCA app. After your swim, you'll tell the staff how many circuits you swam, and soon afterwards will receive an email with the details of distance completed, water conditions and temperature. 

The shorter course may be a reason some swimmers will prefer other venues, but this is definitely in the mix for repeat visits for me! 

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