Amsterdam's Marineterrein inner harbour


Swimming in the shadows of Amsterdam's Science and Maritime Museums complete with lanes, laughter and waterfowl. 

Ahead of a work trip to The Netherlands' capital city I'd done my research and found several spots to swim, but one stood out as different. The Marineterrein is not your average 'city beach'. It lies in the city centre and is in the inner harbour which may not appeal to all swimmers. But if you are tempted there are jetties, ladders and designated lanes to swim up and down. There is also a grassy area with trees for shade and some public toilets should you need them. 

At the end of a long day at a conference, a friend and I set out on hired bikes to the Marineterrein, she offering to watch my belongings while I swam. There are, of course, nearby bike racks, and the area has plenty of youngsters chilling on the grass and around the water's edge. 

We were set.  

As I jumped in and resurfaced, up popped a large duck right next to me! Aaaah, wild swimming!

Also plunging in were a group of young people, competing to leap the furthest and attempting to clamber on top of the larger buoys that mark the swim lanes. They were having a ball, howling with laughter, and stayed in far longer than me. I knew my friend, and dinner, were waiting so didn't have time to linger. 

For me, after a day of work, the water and the surroundings were perfect and I explored both the lane swimming and completed a little breaststroke tour of the inner harbour before hopping back out and getting ready for that well earned dinner. 

The water is murky with zero visibility. Local students have tested quality and it is generally safe to swim, though after a rainstorm there are peaks of bacteria. 

Aside from a couple of sites listing various outdoor swimming spots, the only information I could find was several years old and suggested the Marineterrein is an unofficial swimming site and swimmers take to the water at their own risk. But between the lanes and the jetties and the other swimmers and sunbathers around, it felt extremely welcoming. 

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