A wetsuit free winter!

Flatlay of our wetsuit-free winter swim kit
Flatlay of our wetsuit-free winter swim kit

Who needs wetsuits!?! It seems the answer is not us! Our first completely wetsuit free winter - even at 4 degrees the neoprene did not get wet.  We did retreat to booties, gloves and rash vests but considering we were in wetsuits at 15 degrees in our first winter of outdoor swimming this feels like incredible progress. Maybe next winter we might be glove free! I hate the booties so those will be in the bin for winter 2024.

Happy spring swimming everyone - we made it through another winter - and as the lido's and pools get busier and use cold water swimmers share with the summer swimmers let's embrace the change of pace and remember in a few months time when the temperature dips it will just be back to us once more and this time without our wetsuits.

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